Sunday, November 11, 2012

11_8-10_2012 PHX NIMO report

Sorry for the lack of reports but we’ve been running hard for the past few days.

    After having a couple of suggestions for missions turned down, we were advised on Thursday (11-8) to prepare a plan for demobilizing ourselves and all resources brought in through ESF4. Late Thursday evening we were contacted by NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. They were looking for someone to organize a mission to conduct well-being checks on residents in high rise apartment buildings in Rockaway and Coney Island. There were about 200 buildings greater than six stories where we were to check on residents’ welfare, prescription refills and other critical medical needs. Available to assist were about 250 National Guard troops, more than 100 FEMA-contracted ambulances with EMTs, about 50 Health Department sanitarians and a DMAT group.
Health Department, PHX NIMO and National Guard during
welfare check briefing.
    NIMO enlisted the help of the Maine IMT to divide the mission load; they organized the Coney Island operation and NIMO took Rockaway. Security of workers was a primary concern as we were advised these were high crime areas. Some key contacts with NYPD secured the necessary police officers to escort the teams as they contacted residents.

National Guard troops prepare for welfare checks
    By noon on Friday, a Unified Command with NIMO, National Guard and the Health Department had been organized, objectives and plan developed, and boots were on the ground shortly thereafter. Some of the challenges we faced were holding the teams until we had organization, accountability and a safety plan in place. Getting everyone to morning briefing on time was also an issue. The Guard troops were an Infantry Division and therefore didn’t come with transportation. They had to take a city bus to get to the ICP (you can’t make this stuff up). Also, as NYPD watch commanders changed, the information about our security needs did not transition from one commander to the next.
    At end of shift on Saturday (11-10), more than 3,000 apartments had been checked and twelve residents transported to hospitals for critical medical needs.
    As of Sunday morning our plan is to demob all EFS4 resources on Tuesday and PHX NIMO will travel home on Wednesday (11-14).

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