Wednesday, November 7, 2012

11-7-12 PDX NIMO Daily Report

Debris Removal Task Force
1300 Wednesday November 7, 2012
 Debris Removal Task Force 1500 Debris Removal meeting was held Tuesday, Nov 6, 2012.  Meeting was well attended (approximately 30 personnel) from multiple agency representatives including US Army Corp of Engineers, US Navy, FEMA, US Coast Guard, NY City Office of Emergency Management, NY State Department of Emergency Management, NY City Mayor's Office, NY City DOT, DOD, NY Parks, NYSDEC, EPA, BIC, ECC and NY City Sanitation Department.
 The meeting focused on three primary topics: needs, accomplishments and future operations. 
1.      Ensure public health and safety by removing debris from public rights of ways and from temporary waste storage areas.
2.      Coordinate with agencies involved to ensure common priority setting and effective utilization of responders and equipment.
3.      Maintain effectiveness of operations and assess need to adjust as transition to US Army Corp of Engineers evolves.
4.      Track and communicate Task Force accomplishments. 
5.      Manage transition to US Army Corps of Engineers operations for large scale debris removal operations.
1.      Continuing to deploy resources ahead of storm to assist with debris removal.
·         696 DSNY people on street cleaning, 392 people on storm debris collection & 1,224 on regular collection
   i.            DSNY is vetting and hiring contractors made available through OEM each morning: DSNY checking insurance & placards, measuring etc.
a.       Some contractors don't call back or meet contracting requirements
   ii.            Working with the Navy, Marines, National Guard, State of New York, MTA, Demolition Contractors Association and General Contractors Association of New York
2.      Continuing issues regarding temporary and long-term debris disposal.
·         Temporary sites continue to fill up
·         Short dumps are becoming a problem.
·         Some issues regarding safety: asbestos & hazmat
3.      DEC is working on getting approvals on barging, railing, & trucking debris out of state
·         Pennsylvania restrictions are a problem. New York and New Jersey are OK.
·         Permission work beginning along Hudson – permits being looked at
·         Are there rail possibilities up the Hudson
 i.            Pennsylvania DOT issue brought to Deputy Mayor level to get approval for overweight trucking.
4.      State OEM looking at mutual aid for debris removal
·         NYC OEM wants state to continue looking
·         Per NYC OEM: Mutual aid resources will not be provided meals or housing.
   i.            20 trucks coming on mutual aid today
   ii.            State DOT contract for Tully in place & ramping up 
5.      Commercial waste a problem
·         Complaints coming to BIC
·         Debris Task Force instructions: Do regular garbage before trees
   i.            BOC is inspecting and issuing violations
6.      Boat and car removal still in planning
·         Executive order issued by Governor to clean ALL debris before storm
·         PPDR is with the NYC lawyers
·         Expect it nailed down by the city today. 
7.      US Army Corps/ECC Operational & Command Transfer
·         DSNY needs to know when it shifts so they can end city contracts.
·         Is Thursday AM still realistic?
·         Did Waste Management contracts materialize?
·         How much equipment inspected Tuesday is on the street Wednesday?
·         Where will equipment work Wednesday? Rockaway?
·         Still ready to go full-bore Thursday? Trucks only or command too?
·         FEMA says can push 7 am prediction for transfer to Corps but, be aware: Not to exceed on City contracts is firm.
·         Status on incinerators.
·         If contracts hit "not to exceed" and USACE/ECC is not working, that would be bad.
             i.            Good 1000 meeting today (Wednesday) hammering out some issues before 1500 meeting.
             ii.            1300 resolution meeting is set.
             iii.            Requested Command Post trailers for DSNY personnel
8.      Potential effects from incoming storm
·         Possible snow Thursday that could cover debris
·         Wind an issue for further damage to already damaged things
·         Safety issues for DSNY workers
·         Naval ship are now off shore until it's over
·         City spreaders are standing by
9.      Public messages to public on debris storage
·         Are they out?
             i.            Have messages in draft and under review 
·         Continuing to look into using barging or rail operations to remove debris.
·         There will be an Interagency Planning meeting at 1500 each day, at the same location
·         NIMO team will continue to assist the Task Force in meeting objectives
·         Preparing for Transfer of Command to Army Corps of Engineers

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