Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Debris Removal Task Force
1300 Tuesday November 6, 2012

Debris Removal Task Force 1500 Debris Removal meeting was held Monday, Nov 5, 2012.  Meeting was well attended (approximately 30 personnel) from multiple agency representatives including US Army Corp of Engineers, US Navy, FEMA, US Coast Guard, NY City Office of Emergency Management, NY State Department of Emergency Management, NY City Mayor's Office, NY City DOT, DOD, NY Parks, NYSDEC, EPA, BIC, ECC and NY City Sanitation Department.
The meeting focused on two primary topics: needs, accomplishments and future operations. 
     1.      Ensure public health and safety by removing debris from public rights of ways and from temporary waste storage areas.
     2.      Coordinate with agencies involved to ensure common priority setting and effective utilization of responders and equipment.
     3.      Increase effectiveness of operations through identifying and mobilizing additional resources.
     4.      Track and communicate Task Force accomplishments. 
     5.      Prepare for transition to US Army Corps of Engineers operations for large scale debris removal 
1.      Coordination, tracking & deployment of resources coming to assist with debris removal.
·         Rapidly increasing equipment numbers require additional coordination efforts: equipment has increased to over 1000 pieces in the last 12 hours.
·         Adjusting to challenges re: tracking what equipment is arriving, where it's being staged and where it needs to report for work.  
  i.      Command Post trailers have been requested to provide shelter to DSNY personnel in the field.
2.      Continuing issues regarding temporary and long-term debris disposal.
·         Temporary sites are expanding; some not suited or hard to access
·         Dust control is an issue that is being addressed
·         Storm may impact operations
·         Barging and rail opportunities still needed for long-term solution. Perhaps barging out of Fresh Kills and rail out of Vanbro, both in Staten island
   i.      Yesterday, 2500 people working on storm debris.
   ii.      Secured 3 contacts for debris removal to landfills.
   iii.      30 trailers working today on Father Capodanno.
   iv.      NYC Parks has a contractor at Rockaway capturing sand and is approved by DEC for placement on the beach.
v.      Naval Seabees are working in Staten Island.
 vi.      50 marines are working to load debris on Staten Island.
 vii.      National Guard resources are rolling into Queens.
3.      US Army Corp of Engineers Debris Planning and Response Team is in place.
·         Col. Trey Jordon will take over from Col. Paul Owen, and assume command of all US Army Corp missions under FEMA ESF3.
·         Plans continue to set-up a Recovery Field Office, probably in Queens near the FEMA Joint Field Office.
·         Corp has the ability, upon completion of the plan, to begin field operations within 24 hours (Wednesday).
 i.      Development of an operational plan by contractor ECC is underway and should be done today.
 ii.      Meeting between Task Force, FEMA and US Army Corps took place at 1100 today to further coordinate debris removal operations and transition.
4.      Boat and car removal is complicated by regulations and may inhibit progress. However, this is not a priority at this time.
·         Items are too large to put in temporary debris sites.
·         There are legal issues associated with licenses/tags that make it difficult to tow or move without owner notification.
·         Items need to be classified as debris or identified to be removed by owner.
·         There are EPA issues related to removal of fuel and oil.
·         What are NYC responsibilities?
   i.    Per Michael Flowers, NYC Mayor's office, "….the city is working closely with FEMA counsel to enable the debris recovery effort to address cars, boats and other matters implicating PPDR issues. We expect rapid resolution of the issue." 
5.      Traffic control
·         Monday, there were two traffic control problems: one is along truck routes and the other is in work areas.
·         As of Monday, the biggest traffic problem is in Riis Park.
            ii.    Plans are being developed for specific areas to utilize for operation November 7th. 
6.      Potential effects from incoming storm
·         Debris needs to be removed from storm drains to ensure water flow if there is significant flooding
·         Possible effluent flow issue from debris piles
·         Possible need to shut down operations to ensure worker safety
·         Expected storm may push Naval ships off shore until it's over
    i.      Hay bales have been ordered by DSNY to place around the debris pile at Riis park to contain effluent or run off
   ii.      The navy will be moving offshore tonight until after risk from the storm is reduced.
   iii.      DOT is sweeping arterials to clear catch basins so water flow is not impeded
   iv.      DEP is clearing the storm drains
 v.      NYC Flash Flood Plan may possibly be activated.
·         Continuing to look into using barging or rail operations to remove debris.
·         There will be an Interagency Planning meeting at 1500 each day, at the same location
·         NIMO team will continue to assist the Task Force in meeting objectives
·         Preparing for Transition of Command to Army Corps of Engineers

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