Monday, November 5, 2012

11-4-2012 PHX NIMO report

     We are remaining flexible to respond to changing requests. The tasking to place personnel in each borough to assist the FEMA DIVS that was rejected on Saturday night was reconsidered by FEMA on Sunday. Five personnel were name requested to fill FEMA’s need. They originally requested OSCs but resources were ordered that have the political savvy and people skills to operate in a multi-jurisdictional situation. They will not be under NIMO’s mission assignment but we will be their life line if needed.
      Part of NIMO is on a intel-gathering mission to Staten Island today. A number of agencies are distributing commodities without any coordination. NIMO will assist by assessing the situation and making suggestions on how to coordinate. A Type 3 AHIMT has been ordered to operate PODs on Staten Island.
      A number of wildland resources arrived on Sunday who will be assigned to the Ohio IMT. Additional help was needed to replace the Fulton Hotshots who will be reassigned on Tuesday.
      A severe weather plan was prepared by NIMO Safety for the entire Logistical Staging Area for the approaching storm. The plan has tiered trigger points based on storm severity. All partners involved at the LSA have bought into the plan.

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