Monday, November 5, 2012

11-5-12 PDX NIMO Daily Report

Debris Removal Task Force
1300 Monday Nov. 5, 2012
     Debris Removal Task Force 1500 Initial Debris Removal meeting was held Nov 4, 2012.  Meeting was well attended (approximately 50 personnel) from multiple agency representatives including Army Corp of Engineers, US Navy, FEMA, US Coast Guard, NY City Office of Emergency Management, NY State Department of Emergency Management, NY City Mayor's Office, NY Parks and NY City Sanitation Department.
     The meeting focused on three phases of operations; current, interim, and future operations. 
1.      Ensure public health and safety by removing debris from public rights of ways and from temporary waste storage areas.
2.      Coordinate with agencies involved to ensure common priority setting and effective utilization of responders and equipment.
3.      Increase effectiveness of operations through identifying and mobilizing additional resources.
4.      Track and communicate Task Force accomplishments. 
5.      Prepare for transition to US Army Corp of Engineer operations for large scale debris removal operations.
1.      NYC agencies are overwhelmed and at capacity with debris removal.
a.       Temporary debris storage sites are at or near capacity so other sites are needed. 
b.      NYC needs immediate help with debris removal in three initial areas, Staten Island, Rockaway, and Coney Island.  
·         A call went out to other contractors for additional haul capacity and containers.
·         National Guard is on the ground and assisting. VERY ROUGH numbers:  20 Dumps, 2 Front End Loaders (FELs), 6 bobcats, 1 excavator, 1 bulldozer to Floyd Bennett. Additional bobcats, FELS later
·         48 Marines have landed by helicopter on Staten Island to work with Department of Sanitation to remove debris.
·         TBTA- Providing 1 FEL and Dump Truck to Staten Island
·         DSNY Private Haulers
o   15-20 Trash Trailers to Father Cappodano
o   30-40 Trash Trailer to Fresh Kills 2
o   3-4 Trash Trailers to Riis Park
2.      US Army Corp of Engineers Debris Planning and Response Team is in place.
a.       They are working on initial contracts to develop an operational plan and to mobilize debris removal equipment to sites. 
b.      They are working plans to set-up a Recovery Field Office staffed with approximately 100 persons to support their operations.
·         An order was processed at 2345 Nov. 4 to initiate the contract with activities to begin within 24 hours.
·         Two task orders are in place. Task Order One is planning and mobilization and Task Order Two requires the contractor to have 1 crew on the ground and working by midnight tonight.

3.      Concerns were expressed by the Mayor's office about forecasted winter weather coming soon, hoping that operations can be expedited.

4.      Admiral Tillotson says the Navy is available
a.       Have 5,000+ personnel, 19 helicopters, and multiple pieces of heavy equipment off shore of Long Beach that are ready to go to work as well as some units in NJ. 
·         Working on a list of Navy assets available to help (Land vs. Embarked)
·         Naval assets enroute to Staten Island: 2 Trash Haulers, 6 front end loaders, and 2 skids pending.

5.      Public messaging is needed.
a.       They should separate appliances, perishable garbage and general debris to help expedite clean-up operations. 
b.      They need to keep debris away from storm drains to prevent future flooding issues. 
·         The Department of Sanitation, Mayor's office and FEMA External Affairs are working on the messages and outreach

6.      Priority areas for clean-up operations will receive an equal share of the available resources so that each area will be treated equitably.
·         Resources immediately needed:
o   Looking for front end loaders, dump trucks, bobcats, dozers, and long haul trucks or barges to haul debris away. 
·         Sand is also an issue as it needs to be removed from several areas but much of it is contaminated with debris and cannot be returned to the beaches without being cleaned. 
·         Need list of National Guard, State and other jurisdiction equipment available for EMAC. Waiting for NY state EMAC request for debris removal equipment listed above
·         Coordinate with Pennsylvania DEP regarding state landfills that can accept debris for us 
·         Is State DOT bringing in dump trucks?
·         Increased coordination, planning and accomplishment reporting
Work is focusing on solving immediate needs to bring more resources to accomplish the Task Force objectives identified during yesterday's Interagency Planning Meeting.
·         Look into possible barging or rail operation to remove debris from Fresh Kills and elsewhere.
·         There will be an Interagency Planning meeting at 1500 each day, at the same location
·         NIMO team will continue to work on a daily modified Incident Action Plan for the debris removal operations, typing up notes from the day's meetings, and drafting incident objectives. 

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