Wednesday, November 7, 2012

11-6-2012 PHX NIMO report

    The Mayor has appointed one of his senior staff to each of the boroughs to oversee POD operation and other support functions. This is somewhat of an end run around the NYC OEM. NIMO had a face-to-face with the Staten Island staffer who determined that our help was not needed there. She suggested that Queens, specifically the Rockaways area, needed our help more. A scouting party will gather intel Wednesday morning. Many of the PODs were closed down Tuesday evening in anticipation of the storm and plan to reopen on Thursday.
     Hotel rooms and rental cars remain critical needs. ESF4 is now holding all orders until we can confirm that hotel reservations are secured. Orders for all resources have been canceled except for the Type 3 IMT to replace the Ohio IMT.
     As of 0900 Wednesday, Phase 2 of the Severe Weather Emergency Plan had been reached. (see attached)

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