WG: Risk Management

NIMO Risk Management Work Group 
Fiscal Year 2016 Program of Work
2015 RM Accomplishment Report

Clarify and establish a collective course for risk management both within the US Forest Service and in the greater interagency wildland fire community. 

 Risk informed decisions that lead to better outcomes. 

  • Identify opportunities to improve knowledge of Risk Management principles within wildland fire community. 
  •  Enhance coordination efforts among entities working in wildland fire risk management. Seek to establish consistency in language, messaging, and implementation. 
  • Establish and agree to an outline for the Risk Management Program and its application to set a course for change.  
Develop a report of accomplishments by the Risk Management Workgroup annually.  Target date for completion will be January 15 annually. 

Identify opportunities to improve knowledge of Risk Management principles within the wildland fire community.
  • Coordinate with the Forest Service and Interagency training community to incorporate risk management principles into current wildland fire training curriculum. 
  • Long term goal will focus on fire; long term goal is to expand to all the Agency (USFS) and interagency community.  
    • Contact Geographic Areas to determine dates of IMT meetings with the intent to have at least one member of the RM Workgroup present at each meeting. RM Workgroup members will be present at each GACC IMT Meeting.  
  • Encourage real-time reporting of Risk Management success stories and submit to Lessons Learned Center. 
    •  Solicit a success story from each NIMO team and submit to LLC by January 15, 2016. 

Enhance coordination efforts among entities working in wildland fire risk management.   

  • Coordinate with USFS WO-FAM Risk Management Assistant Director and Risk Council.   
    • Participate, design, and implement Risk Summit (entire RM Workgroup). 
  • Seek to engage and coordinate with other entities working in Risk Management (entire RM Workgroup). 
    • National/Regional Fire Leadership Teams. 
    • Geographic Area Coordination Groups. 
    • Incident Management Teams. 
    • Other Federal Agencies. 
    • State Wildland Fire Protection Agencies.  
  • Internal coordination with other NIMO Work Groups.  

Establish an outline for the Risk Management Program and its application to set a course for change. 

  • Develop a proposed curriculum for the next iteration of Risk Management 101 (RM 201), and other RM Session options, including successfully implementing all three phases of the Chief’s Letter.  For 2016, the emphasis will be on a 1 to 2 day simulation based risk informed decision making process.  
  • Incorporate RM principles into the National Fire Management Leadership Training Course and the Line Officers Certification process.  
  • Strengthen dialogue with State and Partner Agencies in regards Risk Management.  

1 comment:

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