Sunday, November 11, 2012

11-11-12 PDX NIMOs Last Day

Portland NIMO is working its final day with the New York City Office of Emergency Management Debris Removal Task Force, under the leadership of TFLD John Scrivani.  The team had dinner with the other task force members on Saturday evening and will leave Brooklyn about 1700 to stay closer to the airport for early departures Monday morning.  Everyone will be back working from home Tuesday morning.
L to R: Kris Eriksen, David Blitzer, John Scrivani, Dana Reid, Bill Hahnenberg, Kevin Clark,
John Prendergast, Mike Warren, Rich Rusk, John giller, Nick Giannettino, Rion Labrutto
L to R: Nick Giannettino, Bill Hahnenberg, Rion LaBrutto, John GIller, John Scrivani,
 John Prendergast,  friend Steve, Kevin Clark, Kris Eriksen, Rich Rusk

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