Friday, April 6, 2018

4/6/18 2nd Annual Cohesive Strategy meeting

National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop:
Making a Difference, Building Capacity, Improving Preparedness, and Learning from Experience.

NIMOs Judith Downing and Gene Madden participated in the 2nd Annual National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy held 26-29 March 2018 in Reno, Nevada.  Beyond those listed in the title, an emerging theme in the presentations was that engagement in, and commitment to, the Cohesive Strategy is spreading among wildland fire management stakeholders.  One clear indicator is that participation in the Workshop more than doubled from last year.  Representation spanned all levels of government and included international, tribal, and non-government organizations and universities.

Jane Darnell, Deputy Regional Forester, Rocky Mountain Region, emphasized USDA Forest Service commitment to the Strategy’s goals and principles in the first Workshop presentation.  Joe Stutler emphasized the expanding sense of ownership in the strategy among a widening range of stakeholders in his summation.  Independently, USDA Forest Service Interim Chief Christiansen in her April 2nd Letter of Intent for Wildfire – 2018 said,

“We remain committed to the goals of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy, which seeks to create resilient landscapes, fire adapted communities and safe and effective wildfire response that bases decisions on risk analysis for all ownerships.  The strategy’s vision is to safely and effectively extinguish fire when needed; use fire where allowable; manage our natural resources; and, as a nation, live with wildland fire.”

A total of 41 presentations and working groups were presented not counting the opening remarks and summations. Many of these were rapid micro-talks presented in ten minutes or less. Speakers and presenters came from across the country and many of the sessions actively engaged participants in discussions.  Every presentation, including micro-talks, engaged audiences with questions and comments.  Break time was provided for informal interaction among participants and with speakers.  The format was a true workshop intended to co-produce new knowledge and refine questions through energetic dialogue among all participants and the participants eagerly joined in.

Other blog posts to follow will present some of the workshop content and results of interactions as summarized by the workshop organizers.  Next year’s workshop is being planned.  Although no location has been selected, the intention is to hold it somewhere mid-continent or in the Northeast or Southeast. 

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