Tuesday, March 13, 2018

3/13/18 NIMO Plays Role in Learning Summit

November 6-8, the 2017 Learning Summit was held in McClellan, Calif., at the USDA Forest Service McClellan Wildland Fire Training and Conference Center. The purpose of the Summit was to engage in robust discussions around lessons learned from the 2017 fire season and agree to actions for 2018 which will improve the wildland fire system to more reliably protect responders and the public,
FAM Director Shawna Legarza providing
 her Leader's Intent for the 2017
Learning Summit
sustain communities and conserve the land. 

The intent was to bring together a collective group of senior fire leaders, the National Fire Leadership Council, the Risk Management Council and participants from research, employee representation and other subject matter expert specialists for the opportunity of increasing connectivity and better understanding of lessons learned. 

Several members of the National Incident Management Organization (NIMO) and the National Accelerated Training Program (NATP) were tapped to assist with the meeting to ensure its success. They helped with logistics, acted as facilitators, set up a small group discussion process called World Café, and captured notes which were eventually turned into the attached Summit Overview.

Deputy Chief Vicki Christiansen
 delivering opening remarks during
the 2017 Learning Summit
The desired outcomes of the Summit included bringing energy and alignment around areas of agreement and areas of opportunity for improvement. In addition, a direct and purposeful intent to action for 2018 would be developed around key issues influencing or affecting individual and agency mission success.

The Summit Overview is attached here. Feel free to share or print.

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