Thursday, June 23, 2016

06/23/2016 - Wildland Firefighter Physical Training Recruitment

"We need your help in developing a physical training program designed specifically for Wildland Firefighters."

The Missoula Technology Development Center-USFS, in conjunction with the University of Montana, California Polytechnic State University, and Colorado State University, are working to develop a direction on this wildland fire physical training (PT) program.  One of the early steps in this process is to understand what WLFFs currently do for PT, both pre-employment and during employment along with what types of programs they enjoy.  This program will be based on the best science available but also one that meets WLFF needs, is easy to use in multiple formats, and will help you do your job effectively and safely.

To see the full announcement, follow this Survey Link

Help them to understand what you are currently doing for PT, so they can work to standardize the requirements and hopefully improve your efficiency and safety.

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