Monday, April 18, 2016

4/18/16 Wildfires Near Me Gets Closer To Launch Date!

May 6th Launch Is Coming Soon!

The Wildfires Near Me web app, that NIMO PIO Kris Eriksen and Ben Butler with the NIFC Research and Development team have been working on for 2 years, is almost ready to launch!  We wanted to remind you to go to the page (www.wildfiresnearme.wfmrda.comand log in, and then fill in your profile information.  Equally important, see the link below to sign up for the May 6 webinar to display all the capability of the final application.

The app remains in Alpha for now until the official launch date.  That means it's still being tweeked with changes regularly - but you can play with it and use the feedback link at the top to tell us what you like and don't like. It will continue to evolve until May 6th when it will move into Beta and remain stable for the season.  

We're on Social Media
There is also a Facebook Page now and a twitter account @wildfiresnearme.  Go add those to your social media sites so you can be sure of getting updates as they happen.  Ben also did a short video about how to get email and text notifications which might be helpful -   Wildfires Near Me Email & Text Notifications

We want to hear from you!
How is Wildfires Near Me working for you? Do you like what you see so far? Do you think this will be a useful tool for you and for the public? Reach out to us and let us know what you think. You can use the feedback button from within the app or find us on Twitter @WildfiresNearMe. We'll also take suggestions from our Facebook page.

Official Beta Launch Party Planned!
We would love for you to join us on May 6th for the official beta release of Wildfires Near Me! We will be announcing all of the features and functionality we have included in the app and giving a full tour. Please share this information far and wide and don't feel like you need to keep our app a secret. We are building this to be a public information app and welcome anyone out there to come and check it out!

Register for the Launch Party HERE

Thank you for taking the time to use and get to know our app! We are very excited about the changes we are working on and will be getting them out to you very soon. Stay in touch and we'll see you at the launch party!

~ The Wildfires Near Me Team & NIMO

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