Monday, March 21, 2016

03/16-17/2016 Mendocino NF Type 3 Training

March 16-17, the Mendocino employees received Type 3 Incident Command training; as a proactive approach to increasing the number of employees who will be available, should they have another fire season similar to the 2015 season.
Team 1 - Presenting their Operational (aka Morning) Briefing
in front of all of the students.
The students were made up of both fire and non-fire personnel who showed an interested in wanting to learn more about the Incident Command System and how they could help.

The 40+ students were separated into 4 teams, compiling the Command and General staff positions within a normal incident assignment. They were given the basic organizational structure of a Type 3 Incident Management Team (IMT) and the roles and responsibilities of the various positions, Then the Planning process (aka "Planning P") was explained to all of the students; who were then provided with breakout sessions for their specific position(s).

On the second day, students were run through a day long fire scenario to allow them opportunities to work as a team and develop the interactive relationships necessary within an IMT.

T3 Planning Section Chief, Shilo Springstead running the
Operational Briefing.
Required outcomes from the simulation were to complete a tactics, planning, and operational briefing and to complete an Incident Action Plan (IAP).  Mentors, coaches, and subject matter experts (SME) were available throughout the day to assist and to inject real-life simulation inputs, which required the teams to work through the responses.

The training cadre was made up of 3 NIMO members and a variety of Mendocino NF and Shasta-Trinity NF SMEs.

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