Tuesday, April 22, 2014

National Social Media Training Next December

At the request of the State of Massachusetts, I am working on a 3 or 4 day social media training that is tentatively planned for the first week in December.  NIMO has agreed to help with the cost of live streaming the training to anyone in the country that would like to participate and we are whittling down the agenda and instructors, etc.

I am interested in anyone's thoughts about what ought to be be included.  We have, of course, many "how to" sessions on specific tools, and a segment on social media strategies for IMTs.  But we also want to include processes such as: how often should one engage, how do you get more information from Operations, what do you do about negative comments, can you delete rude or offensive comment , what should you talk about and who should be allowed to post.

Any other ideas?  Things we should include?  Please feel free to comment here and let me know.


Kris Eriksen
Public Information Officer

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