– May 12 / John Giller / Detail as R6 Fire Director / Portland, OR
120 day detail as Fire Director of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
behind Kevin Martin who retired.
12-15 / John Giller / ICAC Presentation / Medford, OR
Presenting on the Strategic Management of Long-term Fires to the Incident
Commander/Area Commander Steering Committee at the IC/AC annual meeting
Feb 14-16 / Sirena Fugitt / R10 S-261 with Intro to e-ISuite / Anchorage, AK
the Introduction to e-ISuite to new fire employees. R6/R10 has offered a modified S-261 with
adding a customized introduction to e-ISuite at the end of the course. Students are able to go through the application
of incident business roles, like equipment time recorder and personnel time
recorder the first part of the week and then truly apply what they learn to the
computer application that they will be using on incidents. The introduction does not take place of the
full week e-Isuite course but allows the students to get on hands experience
prior to a dispatch.
Feb 16-25 / Joe
Reinarz / National Coordination meeting on Chernobyl / Kiev, Ukraine
Will meet with
US Embassy personnel in Ukraine to discuss past and future interactions and
training with the fire managers in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (CEZ).
NIMO got involved because of work done on the Kootenai NF and EU3 Superfund response
area in Libby There is a team of SME’s helping the Ukrainians
move legislation and training forward.
Feb 20-21
/ Lorri Benefield / PNWCG Facilitation / Vancouver, WA
Prepare agenda
and facilitate monthly PNWCG Steering Committee meeting and their annual meeting
with PNWCG committee leadership.
20-23 / Teutrine, Palmer, Stimach / PA State Type 3 Training / Penfield, PA
Coaching and
mentoring State DNR and EMA Incident Management Teams as they participate in a
3 day workshop which includes a full day simulation managing a wildfire
Feb 21 – 22 / Reid
& Fugitt / National IAC Meeting / Albuquerque, NM
Participation at the annual
National Incident Administration Coordinator’s Meeting held at the Albuquerque
Service Center – Incident Business Building. Members of the group include the
National Branch Chief and Deputy for Incident Business Practices, the Regional
Incident Admin. Coordinators, NIMO FSCs and ASC personnel. Focus of the meeting is to discuss current
and future business practices that will affect the incident business
community. Significant time is spent on
lessons learned from the prior response season to identify areas that were
successes we can learn from and areas where incident business practices can be
improved. NIMO FSCs were asked to
participate in this meeting to provide the field perspective since we support
all attending members from the Branch Chief to each regional coordinator with
projects/taskings, trainings, and response.
Feb 21-Mar 9 / Dana
Carter / ICS Instructor / Bangkok, Thailand
USAID/USFS International Programs as an instructor and subject matter expert in
Basic/Intermediate ICS and Integrated Planning Courses for the Government of
Thailand’s Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation.
Feb 25 – Mar 1
/ Joe Reinarz / Fire Management Meetings / Belarus
Three meetings
in Minsk, Brest and Gomel, for the Ministry of Emergency. These meetings
will be to understand how they manage fires and discuss how we do it in the
US. They have the same problem as the CEZ (in Kiev) due to the Chernobyl
nuclear disaster along their southern border. The audience will be from
firefighters to ministry personnel. The outcome of this is a possible new
assignment for International Programs.
Feb 26-Mar 2 / Lorri
Benefield / S-420 Instructor / Redmond, OR
One of several
instructors for S-420 as well as a team coach. Region 6 sponsored course
Feb 27-Mar 1 / Eric Martinez / Risk
Mgmt. Program. Meeting / Washington, DC
Providing input to the Risk Management-Human performance
program. Will discuss organizational learning, human
performance, caring for our people and suicide awareness to provide to the
Executive Leadership and identify of some solid next steps.
Feb 28-Mar 2 / Judith Downing / Collaborative
Planning Meeting / Reno, Nevada
Working meeting with University of Nevada,
Dr. Marlene Rebori to work on Collaborative Planning Toolkit
2-5 / Jon Teutrine / National Shower Contract / Boise, ID
Serving as a
member of the review panel for the National shower contract solicitation.
Reviewing proposals for the 2019 National Shower Contracts.
5-9 / Eric Martinez / You Will not Stand Alone / Sacramento,
Member- YWNSA Interagency Guide to Critical Incident Management is intended
to provide guidelines for Agency Administrators, employees, family members, and
others who have been affected by a critical incident. Line of duty deaths, off
duty deaths, suicides, serious accidents, and serious injuries are
extraordinary traumatic events for both the surviving family members and our
Mar 5-9 / Lorri
Benefield / S-420 Instructor / Redmond, OR
One of several
instructors for S-420 as well as a team coach. Region 6 sponsored course.
Mar 6 – 9 / Dana
Reid / FAM Strategic Plan Meetings / CA & DC
Meetings to
continue development on the FAM Strategic Plan
Mar 7 – 8 / Kris Eriksen / DASP Orientation/Training / Albuquerque,
Assistance Support Program – DASP
is a cooperative program between U.S. Agency for International Development’s
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and the U.S. Forest Service
International Programs. The DASP enhances and supports OFDA’s capacity to
respond to disasters by mobilizing a roster of more than 250 disaster
management experts from the U.S. Forest Service and other domestic agencies.
Mar 7-8 /
Sirena Fugitt / Teaching Advanced Cost / Denver, CO
Advanced cost is a course
that was requested by the National Incident Business Committee several years
back to supplement the Cost Unit Leader module of S-360 (now E/L-975) and
currently being worked on to be an official NWCG course. NIMO helped create the materials for the
course and serves as key instructors.
This course is continually evolving as the work that is being asked of
Cost Unit Leaders has evolved over time to meet the needs from Agency
Administrators to Payment Centers, as well as capturing accruals for the USDA
Forest Service.
Mar 7-8 / All PHX NIMO / Color Country IMT3 Training / St. George, UT
Delivery of a
Type 3 IMT training to Federal Wildland Interagency partners, primarily USFS,
NPS, and BLM, as well as Utah State and some local cooperator fire agencies as
Mar 8-9 / Robin Cole / O
& A Meeting / Washington D.C.
Meeting with Deputy Chief of State and Private
Forestry, Vicki Christiansen and Fire Director, Shawna Legarza strategizing
and updating NIMO’s new focus area of Oversight & Accountability
Mar 12-15 / All
Workforce Workgroup / NATP –WO Session / Washington, DC
The Workforce
Development Workgroup is holding the final session for the 2017 (NATP) National
Accelerated Training Program in DC. Students will have the opportunity to meet
with Fire and Forest Service leadership to engage in dialogue about the current
challenges, where the agency is headed, attend a Chief’s Stand Up and present reports
on their specific special projects. The Workgroup
is coordinating the event and will also meet as a group separately to discuss
our program of work for 2018.
Mar 19 – 23 / John Giller / Presenting at PNW IMT meeting / Yakima,
Presenting as Agency Leadership at the annual PNW
Incident Management Team meetings.
Mar 19-23 / Eric Martinez / Fire
Program Mgmt - Leading Complex Programs / Santa Fe, NM
(Presenting CISM/Honor Guard). Session is evolving
to engage our participants in an immersive learning environment. Our plan
is to take the lessons beyond lecture and to fully engage those attending in
dialogue and experiential opportunities both in the classroom and in the field.
Mar 19-23 / Terri Knauth / Basic ICS class / Myanmar, Burma
Teaching Basic ICS for International Programs which will include
interactive classroom exercises
Mar 20 -22 / Stimach,
Cunningham, Fugitt / ESF4 Training / Denton, TX
Support Function 4 is the role the Forest Service plays in national disasters
under the National Response Framework. Participating in the ESF-4 course being
offered by the Southern Area in order to understand the role
of ESFs for activation and response to Stafford Act incidents. Attendance is two-fold in that NIMO has been
assisting the All Hazard & International Fire Support Branch in the WO, and
was requested to participate in the current curriculum first to enhance our
efforts with updating the current materials for ESF-4 and second, to provide
capacity for national ESF-4 support.
Mar 21 – 23 / Kris Eriksen / FDNY Social Media Training / New
York, NY
Creating and offering a 3 days course called Social Media:
Strategies and Applications in Emergencies. Day one will be live streamed
nationally while the last two days will help FDNY get its agency-wide social
media protocols developed and new users trained. This is the first
offering of this new course which will then be offered nationwide where
23-27 /Jon Teutrine / National Shower Contract / Boise, ID
Serving as a
member of the review panel for the National shower contract solicitation.
Reviewing proposals for the 2019 National Shower Contracts.
Mar 26- 29 / Judith Downing / Cohesive
Strategy Workshop / Reno, Nevada
the workshop and supporting the Conference organizers as requested
Apr 3 / Kris Eriksen / Disaster Communications Presentation
/ Virtual
3rd year for an online presentation to the
Disaster Communications class at Tulane University in New Orleans. The
presentation will be about Joint Information Centers and Incident
Apr 3-4 /
Fugitt & Eriksen / Rocky Mtn IMT Meeting / Cheyenne, WY
at IMT meeting for NIMO representation to the Rocky Mountain area and to
provide national perspective to functional area breakouts, as well as support
to the regional Incident Business Coordinator.
Apr 3-4 / Dana
Reid / PNW Incident Business Workshop / Olympia, WA
Attending the
Pacific Northwest Interagency Incident Business & Procurement Workshop in
preparation for 2018 fires.
Apr 3-5 / All Risk Mgmt. Workgroup / Workgroup Meeting / Charleston, SC
Management Workgroup and the AD for Risk from the WO will be meeting to update
their FY18 Projects and develop FY19 Program of Work and Leaders Intend
Apr 4-5 /
Sirena Fugitt / PNW Incident Business Workshop / Olympia, WA
of NIMO and member of the PNW Incident Business Committee who sponsors the
annual workshop. Will specifically be
presenting on the topics of Cost Share supplements to the Master Agreement and
providing an update on e-ISuite for 2018 and supporting the rest of the
incident business committee members.
Apr 5 / Dana
Reid / Collective Fire Hire AAR / Albuquerque, NM
Coordinating an
AAR of the Collective Fire Hiring that occurred FY2017.
Apr 5-6 / Robin Cole / O
& A Meeting / Washington D.C.
Meeting with Deputy Chief of State and Private
Forestry, Vicki Christiansen and Fire Director, Shawna Legarza strategizing
and updating NIMO’s new focus area of Oversight & Accountability
Apr 9-13 / All NIMO / NIMO Professional Development
/ Gatlinburg, TN
NIMO combines its annual
meeting with professional development opportunities whenever possible. The 2018
spring session will center on the staff ride developed for Gatlinburg,
Tennessee to provide a
learning opportunity for NIMO members surrounding skills and tools needed to
implement work around RMAT and Oversight and Accountability. Like many others, nearly
every NIMO member was involved somewhere in the south during the fires of fall
Apr 9-13 / Lorri
Benefield / Lead Instructor for S-440 / Redmond, OR
Update current
NWCG S-440 (Planning Section Chief) course to meet current conditions and still
meet NWCG standards. As part of this course, we will add a Type 3 Plans
Workshop to provide practical information for Type 3 plans staff to update
their skills.
Apr 16 – 18 /
Dana Reid / L-973, Finance Section Chief / Bend, OR
Lead instructor
for Finance Section Chief in Deschutes County
Apr 23-27 / Eric Martinez / Learning from Unintended Outcomes / Salt
Lake City, UT
CISM/Honor Guard). LfUO is intended to prepare participants to serve as an FLA
team member, understand the impacts of those effected by unintended outcomes
and create a learning culture in Federal/State/Local land management agencies.
Apr 24 – 26 /
Dana Reid / NFLC Meeting / Chattanooga, TN
Facilitate the
National Fire Leadership Council Meeting (WO Fire Leadership, Regional Fire
Directions and the National Line Officer Team) for deliberate dialogue around
compelling issues at the national level. This dialogue will serve as a catalyst
to improve the wildland fire system to one that more reliably protects
responders and the public, sustains communities, and conserves the land.
May 7-11 /
Sirena Fugitt / ESF-4 National Exercise / Washington D.C.
details yet
21-Jun 8 / Jon Teutrine / National Shower Contract / Multiple Locations
Serving as a
member of the review panel for the National shower contract solicitation.
Travelling to numerous regions and conducting inspections on shower units in
order to make final recommendations for the 2019 National Shower Contract.