Thursday, January 28, 2016

1/28/16 Risk Management Workgroup FY 2016 Mission and Vision

One of NIMO's 5 workgroups is Risk Management and they have posted their Mission, Vision and 2016 Goals and Objectives to their page. If you are an IMT or a part of the USFS, you may be exposed to this group's work this year, so take a look at their page here or click on the WG: Risk Management tab above!

Friday, January 22, 2016

1/22/16 Using Periscope on Wildfires

Always looking to advance the work Information officers can do on wildfires, we experimented with a "newish" social media tool called Periscope in late summer 2015 on the River Complex.  It's a fun tool and has some significant applications for enhancing public communications and understanding during wildfires and other all hazard incidents. After being asked by a number of people how to use it, PIO Kris Eriksen made this 25 minute video demonstrating the basic "how to's" of using the tool as well as discussing some lessons learned.  We certainly are not experts & it's very likely others have used this tool as well and have even more helpful tips, so we encourage you to share them.

Click HERE to watch the video on our Skill Builders Page

Thursday, January 21, 2016

1/21/16 NIMO 2016 Leader's Intent Now Available

If you are interested, we have posted the official document that provides NIMO with Leader's intent for 2016.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to the National Incident Management Organization (NIMO) program for FY 2016 and to describe the best management practices as identified by the NIMO Executive Council. This document describes the direction and Leaders Intent that guide practices and behaviors of the organization while maintaining the doctrinal principles where program managers are expected to make decisions on implementation details.
See the page above called NIMO 2016 Program Leader's Intent or click here