Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9-29-15 NIMO Operations Job Opening Outreach

NIMO OSC John Giller (left) talks
with incoming OSC Steve Underwood

Would you like to consider a NIMO Operations Section Chief job?  There's an opening so please respond to this outreach.  We'd like to have a good field of candidates. Click here:

OSC Outreach

It's a great job in which you can pursue many of your personal interests in regard to making Operations better in wildland fire.  We travel to interesting places, get to interact with and meet interesting people and you can live anywhere you like because the job is virtual.

Contact any NIMO you know for more information or contact NIMO Coordinator Robin Cole at:

404-805-7083 Cell or email: robincole@fs.fed.us

9/29/15 NIMO IC Hahnenberg Introduces a new APP at the River Complex

NIMO IC Bill Hahnenberg introduced firefighters to a new "APP" at the River Complex on the Shasta Trinity National Forest, September of 2015.  It was a great message about managing large, long-term fires.

9-29-15 Relaunching the NIMO Blog

For anyone who might have tried to follow this page,  we have not been very good about using it to share what we are doing or what we see YOU all doing that we think is valuable.  But that will soon change and we will be posting more things here.  If there is something you'd like to see here that originated with NIMO, please let any NIMO know and we will run it by the Executive Council.

Thank you for your patience